Trademark Attorneys
Real Lawyers. TRUE RESULTS.

The 1st Law Firm to offer 100% Trademark GUARANTEE!*
True Lawyer trusted for its expertise in handling trademark, domain name, copyrights matters. Featured in major publications across the world.


We offer a full range of trademark and copyright services to entrepreneurs, established businesses and other attorneys (on behalf of their clients). We can assist clients from all 50 states and from countries around the world. Our services include:
  • Trademark Clearance Searches
  • Trademark Application Preparation
  • Office Action Responses
  • Trademark Monitoring
  • Trademark Change of Ownership
  • Trademark Portfolio Management
  • Trademark Renewal Filings
  • Trademark Opposition Proceedings
  • Trademark Cancellation Proceedings
  • Trademark Litigation
  • Copyright Applications

REAL Lawyers. TRUE Results.

Meet Shymane Robinson, founder of True Lawyer Law Firm.

Welcome to True Lawyer Law Firm. We have been assisting entrepreneurs, established businesses and other lawyers with trademarks since 2017. I am very proud of the fact that our firm’s representation has resulted in the successful registration of many trademarks with the USPTO. Please contact us with your questions. 

Trademark Registration


Flat Rate. No surprise fees like our competitors

  • Federal and State Trademark Search using MARKIFY software
  • Common Law Trademark Search
  • Attorney Consultation Time
  • Drafting and Filing of Trademark Application
  • Responding to Non-Substantive Office Actions
  • Sending Registration Certificate
Please Note: The flat legal fee advertised above applies to a trademark search and filing in up to one class of goods/services for a trademark that is currently in-use in the United States. Call for a quote on your specific trademark if it does not meet these criterias.
Not quite ready yet?

Our Trademark Guarantee:

After our comprehensive search, we will give you the green light to file and register your trademark. If, for whatever reason, your trademark isn’t approved by the Trademark Office, we’ll file a new trademark for you complimentary*.  Absolutely, no one want to work for free. To ensure we don’t have too we promise we’ll do everything right. Enjoy the peace of mind knowing we did everything right the first time. We are with you every step of the way until you hold ownership of your brand!

You’ll never be asked to go back and forth with the United States Patent and Trademark Office lawyers on your own. You won’t have to know how to respond. Why? Because we’ll do it for you.

We do all the hard work:

Statistics show only 45% of trademark applications filed with the USPTO receive approval without receiving any refusals. Our experienced attorneys will make sure you register your trademark right the FIRST time. 

How Successful Trademark Registration Work

Comprehensive Trademark Search

Our experience trademark attorneys will conduct a comprehensive federal, state and common law trademark search across the United States ensuring your trademark is available to register utilizing an industry leading trademark search software used by the largest law firms in the world. Once we complete the comprehensive trademark search you will schedule a call with a licensed trademark attorney to discuss any potential issue with your desired trademark and ensure your mark is available to register.

USPTO Trademark Registration

Once you complete your Trademark call with a licensed attorney to address any questions you may have our experience trademark team will prepare your trademark application. Having successfully drafted many trademark applications since 2017, we understand what’s required to successfully register a trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. We prepare your trademark application to ensure you have the best chance of obtaining a trademark registration. We monitor your file throughout the entire trademark process which can been 12 months or more.

Monitor and Protect

Obtaining a trademark registration is the first step to building a sustainable brand. It’s imperative that Trademark owners continue to monitor and protect their trademarks against trademark infringement. Once your trademark registers our experienced trademark attorneys are committed to monitoring and protecting your trademarks to give you the best chance of eliminating trademark infringement.


Get your Complimentary copy of our Trademark Like A Billion Dollar CEO eBook
We hate spam too, and won’t sell your info.

No matter where your business is,
we have a trademark package to fit you.

Services provided by a licensed attorney!


Our promise to you. If we clear your mark and the USPTO doesn’t register your mark, we will file your next mark for FREE*





20-minute Trademark strategy session call
Comprehensive Federal, State, and Common Law Search for your trademark
Detailed search report
Detailed Opinion Letter issued by Attorney Robinson detailing likelihood of registration
30-minute Trademark Legal Consult call to discuss Opinion letter and options to proceed
Application filed which include USPTO filing fee of $350
Correspondence w/ client throughout the trademark 8–12-month process
Respond to non-substantial office actions
Trademark Certificate
Trademark Party Box full of surprises specially made for a Billion Dollar CEO, that’s you!
Trademark Guarantee- If we clear your mark and your mark doesn’t register, we will file your next trademark for free*
Free additional search if your choice is problematic
One month Access to Trademark Clique®
Get It Now Get It Now
Note for Essential and Billion Dollar Brand: These packages do not include legal defense services such as Office Action responses or filing Statement of Use or Extensions for Intent to Use trademarks.
Cheap Online Services Traditional Law Firms
Non licensed document specialist prepare your document without legal advice and submit documents to the USPTO
One of our experienced US attorneys will lead your trademark registration from start to finish.
Comprehensive Federal, State, and common law search for your trademark $
Detailed search report $
Detailed opinion letter issued by a licensed attorney detailing likelihood of registration $
Application Preparation and Filing including $350 USPTO fee
30- minute consult with a Licensed Attorney to discuss opinion letter and options to proceed. Application Preparation and Filing including $350 USPTO fee $
Correspondence with client throughout the trademark 12 month + process $
Response to non- substantial office actions
100% Trademark Guarantee- Filing of new trademark if your brand has registerability issues at no labor cost to you (no questions asked)
Physical Trademark Certificate $ $

The Protection You’re Looking For




Let us handle the back and forth between you and the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

We are equipped to handle that kind of conversation.


Our promise to you. If we clear your mark and the USPTO doesn’t register your mark, we will file your next mark for FREE*





20-minute Trademark strategy session call
Comprehensive Federal, State, and Common Law Search for your trademark
Detailed search report
Detailed Opinion Letter issued by Attorney Robinson detailing likelihood of registration
30-minute Trademark Legal Consult call to discuss Opinion letter and options to proceed
Application filed which include USPTO filing fee of $350
Correspondence w/ client throughout the trademark 8–12-month process
Respond to non-substantial office actions
Trademark Certificate
Trademark Party Box full of surprises specially made for a Billion Dollar CEO, that’s you!
Trademark Guarantee- If we clear your mark and your mark doesn’t register, we will file your next trademark for free*
Free additional search if your choice is problematic
One month Access to Trademark Clique®
Get It Now Get It Now
Note for Essential and Billion Dollar Brand: These packages do not include legal defense services such as Office Action responses or filing Statement of Use or Extensions for Intent to Use trademarks.


Our promise to you. If we clear your mark and the USPTO doesn’t register your mark, we will file your next mark for FREE*





20-minute Trademark strategy session call
Comprehensive Federal, State, and Common Law Search for your trademark
Detailed search report
Detailed Opinion Letter issued by Attorney Robinson detailing likelihood of registration
30-minute Trademark Legal Consult call to discuss Opinion letter and options to proceed
Application filed which include USPTO filing fee of $350
Correspondence w/ client throughout the trademark 8–12-month process
Respond to non-substantial office actions
Trademark Certificate
Trademark Party Box full of surprises specially made for a Billion Dollar CEO, that’s you!
Trademark Guarantee- If we clear your mark and your mark doesn’t register, we will file your next trademark for free*
Free additional search if your choice is problematic
One month Access to Trademark Clique®
Note for Essential and Billion Dollar Brand: These packages do not include legal defense services such as Office Action responses or filing Statement of Use or Extensions for Intent to Use trademarks.

The Protection You’re Looking For




Let us handle the back and forth between you and the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

We are equipped to handle that kind of conversation.

Full-Service Trademark Registration

One Flat Rate 

No surprise charges

Your Vision is Worth Billions. TRADEMARK IT!®

Trademark Law Done The TRUE Way!

At True Lawyer Law Firm we offer all inclusive flat rate trademark registration service because we do not believe in billable hours or surprise fees that many of our competitors charge. We conduct a comprehensive federal, state, and common law search around the entire United States to ensure our clients minimize the likelihood of facing a trademark infringement lawsuit in the future. The trademark process on average is 9-12 months. We are apart of your Trademark Process from start to finish ensuring your trademark registers successfully with the USPTO. We believe it is essential for a trademark attorney to be hands on throughout the trademark search process.

Many on-line trademark services offer searches without the proper review from a team of trademark attorneys. Resulting in COSTLY mistakes for you. We ensure that our experienced attorneys here at True Lawyer will review the search results and schedule a call with you to provide a legal analysis regarding the likelihood of success of your trademark registering with the United States Trademark Office.

Our experienced trademark attorneys will search diligently across the country when conducting your trademark search. This will ensure that you are not infringing on another companies trademark that may be using the trademark before you. We will also ensure the trademark is available for you to own 100%. Once our trademark attorney complete its comprehensive trademark search which includes searching the across the United States federal trademark database, common law databases, social media platforms, and state databases in all 50 states.

Once the search is completed we will schedule a strategy call with our trademark attorneys to discuss the search results and any questions you may have. Once approved, our trademark attorneys will draft and file your trademark application and follow your trademark until registrations. The trademark process is a complicated legal process and often 12 months or more. The USPTO will refuse applications if not done correctly. Our trademark attorneys believe you deserve to protect your trademark rights just like a Billion Dollar Brand. We give you the same attention and trademark results Billion Dollar Brands received ensuring your trademark registration is successful. If you have any questions about our trademark registration bundles please call us 708-581-7405.

Contact Us


We ask that our current clients please use the secure Virtual Law Office to check your status, open a new matter, and receive legal services when you need them 24/7.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.