Get your Trademark approved or we’ll file your next trademark complimentary. We guarantee it.

57% of applications get a refusal of some sort.

We’re so confident in our service that if your trademark gets rejected, we’ll file your next trademark at no labor cost.
No questions asked.

7.5 Years

Serving Entrepreneurs


Success Rate


Trademark ESQ. of the Year

7 Days

Leading Turnaround Time

Trademark your brand. RISK FREE!

  • Our licensed US trademark attorneys will handle your trademark registration from start to finish.

  • Guarantee results. Get your Trademark approved or we’ll file your next trademark at no labor cost. No questions asked.

  • We offer predictable flat-fee trademark pricing. Avoid surprises by knowing all of the costs involved.

Our Trademark Guarantee:

After our comprehensive search, if we give you the green light to file and register your trademark. If, for whatever reason, your trademark isn’t approved by the Trademark Office, we’ll file a new trademark for you complimentary*. 57% of trademarks receive a refusal of some sort. However, we’ll so confident in our services that we guarantee we are with you every step of the way until you hold ownership of your brand!
You’ll never be asked to have that back at forth on your own. You won’t have to know how to respond. Why? Because we’ll do it for you.

We do all the hard work:

Scouring trademarks all over the United States. We’ll let you know if it looks like anyone is using the trademark you want and if it looks possible for you to have your name on it.

Book your Confidential Trademark Strategy Call

During your Trademark Strategy Call we will:
  • Learn about your brand and explain the steps you need to take to protect it.

  • Explain every step of the Trademark registration process.

  • Answer all of your Trademark and pricing questions.

Need to speak with an attorney now?
Call: 312-442-0057

Schedule your Trademark strategy call Now

Step 1 of 2: After completing the form below you can choose a date & time for your Trademark Strategy Call:

By completing the form you’re agreeing to be added to our email list and accept our privacy policy & terms of use. We’re committed to your privacy. We only use the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services.

Why Trademark Your Brand with True Lawyer?

We Guaranteed your Trademark Results

Get your trademark approved or we’ll file your next trademark at no labor cost. No questions asked.

Exclusive Ownership of your brand.

Own your brand name, slogan, and logo exclusively. Stop competitors from copying or profiting from your brand.

Defend your Trademark rights

A registered Trademark allow you to issue a cease and desist or file suit against those who steal your trademark.

® symbol = Leverage

You’re taken serious when you leverage the ® symbol . Scale and grow your business.

The Hidden Cost of a Trademark Registration

No worries True Lawyer handles it all for a predictable flat-fee!

100% Trademark Guarantee
Cheap Online Services Traditional Law Firms
Non licensed document specialist prepare your document without legal advice and submit documents to the USPTO
One of our experienced US attorneys will lead your trademark registration from start to finish.
Comprehensive Federal, State, and common law search for your trademark $
Detailed search report $
Detailed opinion letter issued by a licensed attorney detailing likelihood of registration $
Application Preparation and Filing including $350 USPTO fee
30- minute consult with a Licensed Attorney to discuss opinion letter and options to proceed. Application Preparation and Filing including $350 USPTO fee $
Correspondence with client throughout the trademark 12 month + process $
Response to non- substantial office actions
100% Trademark Guarantee- Filing of new trademark if your brand has registerability issues at no labor cost to you (no questions asked)
Physical Trademark Certificate $ $

Note: Most cheap trademark service companies are document preparation companies that are NOT licensed attorneys. If you encounter a problem with your trademark they will be unable to assist you and will refer you to an attorney. Most traditional law firms have hidden fees for calls, emails, communications with examiners, etc. The cost could really get expensive.

True Lawyer trademark bundle is all inclusive. One predictable price + 100% trademark guarantee.

The Hidden Cost of a Trademark Registration

No worries True Lawyer handles it all for a predictable flat-fee!

100% Trademark Guarantee
Traditional Law Firms Traditional Law Firms
Non licensed document specialist prepare your document without legal advice and submit documents to the USPTO
One of our experienced US attorneys will lead your trademark registration from start to finish.
Comprehensive Federal, State, and common law search for your trademark $
Detailed search report $
Detailed opinion letter issued by a licensed attorney detailing likelihood of registration $
Application Preparation and Filing including $350 USPTO fee
30- minute consult with a Licensed Attorney to discuss opinion letter and options to proceed. Application Preparation and Filing including $350 USPTO fee $
Correspondence with client throughout the trademark 12 month + process $
Response to non- substantial office actions
100% Trademark Guarantee- Filing of new trademark if your brand has registerability issues at no labor cost to you (no questions asked)
Physical Trademark Certificate $ $
Traditional Law Firms
Traditional Law Firms
Non licensed document specialist prepare your document without legal advice and submit documents to the USPTO
One of our experienced US attorneys will lead your trademark registration from start to finish.
Comprehensive Federal, State, and common law search for your trademark
Detailed search report
Detailed opinion letter issued by a licensed attorney detailing likelihood of registration
Application Preparation and Filing including $350 USPTO fee
30- minute consult with a Licensed Attorney to discuss opinion letter and options to proceed. Application Preparation and Filing including $350 USPTO fee
Correspondence with client throughout the trademark 12 month + process
Response to non- substantial office actions
100% Trademark Guarantee- Filing of new trademark if your brand has registerability issues at no labor cost to you (no questions asked)
Physical Trademark Certificate





Note: Most cheap trademark service companies are document preparation companies that are NOT licensed attorneys. If you encounter a problem with your trademark they will be unable to assist you and will refer you to an attorney. Most traditional law firms have hidden fees for calls, emails, communications with examiners, etc. The cost could really get expensive.

True Lawyer trademark package is all inclusive. One predictable price + 100% trademark guarantee.

Full-Service Trademark Registration


($7,100+ Value)

See what our clients are saying

Frequently Asked Questions

The legal answer is always, it depends. Similar trademarks can co- exist if they are used for different products or services. For example, Domino Pizza vs. Domino Sugar. Same name, but they have different products.

On average, our office take just 7 business days to file your trademark application.

After we file your application, the USPTO it typically takes six to nine months to review your trademark. After review the USPTO will issue an office action if they have concerns or publish your trademark. Once your trademark publish, if there are no public concerns your mark will register within 30-45 days.

* The timeline above is for in-use applications. If your trademark does not fit this criteria please contact our office*

True Lawyer has a 100% trademark guarantee. We’ve so confident in our work if we give you a green light and your trademark gets a final rejection by the USPTO we’ll file your next trademark at no labor cost to you. No questions asked.
The USPTO require a seperate trademark application for your name, logo, or slogan. Please select (2) trademark packages if you desire to trademark both your name and logo. If you are unable to purchase 2 trademarks at this time no worries. It’s recommended to file a trademark for your brand name first unless you have a stand alone logo that’s distinctive from your brand name.

Yes, no brands are left behind at True Lawyer. Paypal is a buy now pay later option is available via checkout.

Paypal allow you to make a down payment today and pay your remainder balance to paypal over a 6 week period. Paypal will pay True Lawyer immediately thus allowing us to start working your file right away.

Guaranteed results, Humans not Software protecting your brand, Transparent pricing, Excellent Customer Service.

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